2018-04-28 17:22:02茶叶特别是绿茶不容易保管的,就是专业的茶商一般也只能保证三个月不变味,如存放在冰柜里一年也已经过了最佳饮用期,但不是说一定是变质变坏的,注意,过了最佳饮用期并不等于是变质变坏,只是喝起来的口感差一...
2018-04-28 17:20:01黑苦荞茶不适合跟其他的东西一起存放,因为这样存放容易串味,味道杂了就不好喝了。 黑苦荞茶买来的时候一般都是密封的,打开之后就要尽快饮用。 黑苦荞茶最好的储存方法就是买一个陶罐,一定要买有盖的,...
2018-04-28 17:11:01公元1729年,一支神秘的马队冒雪进京,在行程3000多公里之后,它们要把一件珍贵的礼品进贡给大清皇帝雍正。这件礼品就是800多年前南唐皇室贵族饮用的普洱茶叶制品--茶膏。这种神秘的饮品在明代的历史中消失了将...
2018-04-28 17:01:01不少饮茶者有这样的体会:一泡茶香味鲜爽;二泡茶虽然浓涩但不鲜;三泡茶已经淡薄;四泡无滋味;五泡、六泡等于白开水。一杯绿茶,究竟放多少茶叶合适?冲泡多少次为好?茶与水的比例约为1:60到1:100,过浓的茶汤刺...
2018-04-28 16:54:01茶树是由根、茎、叶、花、果等器官所组成,器官由多种不同的组织构成,有一定的形态结构。《茶经》在描述茶树的形态特征时,都用了比拟的方法,说:"树如瓜芦,叶如梔子,花如白蔷薇,实如并榈,茎如丁香,根如胡桃...
2018-04-28 16:40:01这种情景恐怕大家都不陌生,喝酒盛会,豪气干云,喝出气氛,喝出豪言壮语,但酒席上的然诺一般不必当真。因为在酒精催发的作用下,大脑神经处于高度亢奋状态,理性失控,语言过激,这也属于正常的现象。过量的酒不但...
2018-04-28 16:30:02拼配大红袍质量能好吗?茶叶拼配与酒的勾兑技术一样,都是为了保证质量稳定的必要技术,同时能够在一定程度上改善茶叶品质。自从茶叶成为商品,拼配技术就产生了。因为茶叶生产过程是一种很特殊的过程。由于茶青的来...
2018-04-28 16:18:01"藏生茶,喝熟茶,品老茶",这是喜欢普洱茶的老茶客们常常念起的普洱茶经。普洱茶讲究的是陈化历史,历史越久远的越有价值,这"生茶"、"熟茶"、"老茶",又有怎样的说法呢?所谓"生茶",或称"生普",是指传统自然醇化...
2018-04-28 16:15:01茶叶贮藏运销过程中,容易受到周围环境因素的影响,内含质量化学成分发生一系列复杂的化学反应,并产生出各种不利于茶叶色、香、味的物质,从而导致茶叶陈化变质。茶叶陈化变质的感观表现为茶叶的色泽由鲜变枯,...
2018-04-28 16:12:01茶叶渣十大神奇妙用 快乐健康生活小助手很多人喝完茶后,都会把茶叶渣倒掉,其实茶叶渣也有很多用途的哦。下面告诉你十个少为人知的茶叶渣妙用。 妙用一:泡个美肌茶茶浴 绿茶能深层清洁肌肤,具有柔软角质层...
2018-04-28 16:11:01乌龙茶也被称为青茶,属半发酵茶,经过杀青,萎凋,摇青,烘焙等多道工序制作而成,茶韵明显,鲜爽回甘。 选购乌龙茶。先望其形,对着光线检视,春茶墨绿,冬茶翠绿,砂绿白霜者为上等货。再闻其味,香气经久不散...
2018-04-28 16:04:01选择茶叶,鉴别茶叶的好坏,看茶底判断茶料,不会完全准确无误,只是"尽可能的估计"。大多数的情况下,好茶自有好料之相;少数情况下,有可能因为看不见的制程或者是仓储问题,导致好料未能成为好茶。即使如此,研究...
2018-04-28 15:47:01铁观音成品依发酵程度和制作工艺,大致可以分清香型、浓香型、陈香型等三大类型。清香型铁观音:清香型又称青茶,是未经烘焙的初级产品,目前在市场上的占有量最多。清香型铁观音颜色翠绿,汤水清澈,香气馥郁,花香...
2018-04-28 15:45:01花茶又称熏花茶、香花茶、香片。为中国独特的一个茶叶品类。由精制茶坯与具有香气的鲜花拌和,通过一定的加工方法,促使茶叶吸附鲜花的芬芳香气而成。花茶主要以绿茶、红茶或者乌龙茶作为茶坯、配以能够吐香的鲜花作...
2018-04-28 15:44:01茶道是一种以茶为媒的生活礼仪,也被认为是修身养性的一种方式,它通过沏茶、赏茶、饮茶,增进友谊,美心修德、学习礼法,是很益的一种和美仪式。茶道最早起源于中国。中国人至少在唐或唐以前,就在世界上首先将茶饮...
2018-04-28 15:41:01冲泡古树茶时首先"洗茶",能使紧压的茶叶在浸润时得到慢慢的舒展,帮助茶叶中的滋味物质溶解,便于茶叶香气物质在适宜的温度下呈现香气,让茶达到最佳的品饮状态。谈到"洗茶"一词,恐怕每个喜欢喝茶的人都不陌生,从...
2018-04-28 15:39:01杜仲茶抗氧化降压 这些事项需注意杜仲茶具有抗氧化和降压等功效,是很多人日常都会选择的一种茶饮。除此之外,杜仲茶还会有哪些鲜为人知的功效呢?为了可以充分发挥杜仲茶的功效,在饮用时需要注意的又是什么呢? ...
2018-04-28 15:32:01人的体质有热、寒之别,因而体质不同的人饮茶也有讲究。一般来说,燥热体质的人,应喝凉性茶;虚寒体质者,应喝温性茶。具体来说,有抽烟喝酒习惯,体形较胖,容易上火的人(即燥热体质者),应喝凉性茶。而肠胃虚...
2018-04-28 15:16:01茶艺"四要"之二--水品水文学是茶道开出的奇花异卉。择水固然重要,但古人将此事复杂化了,为孰是"天下第一水"争论上千年也实在小题大作。但无论合理与不合理,皆从一个侧面反映了中国文化。茶是灵魂之饮,水是生命之...
2018-04-28 15:09:01普洱茶的原料是云南大叶种晒青毛茶。而云南大叶种是中国著名茶树良种,云南省大叶类茶树品种的总称。主要包括勐库大叶种(又名大黑茶)、凤庆大叶种和勐海大叶种等。抗寒性弱,-5℃以下便遭受严重冻害。适制红茶。鲜叶...
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更新:GMT+8, 2025-02-14 04:00:50
NAME | COMPONENT | DURATION | 0 ms | 50 ms | 100 ms | 150 ms | 200 ms | 250 ms | 300 ms | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bootstrap | Timer | 18.19 ms | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Before Filters | Timer | 0.02 ms | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Controller | Timer | 302.53 ms | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Time | Query String | |
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meta_title | '第278页_普洱茶知识_中华普洱茶网' |
meta_keywords | '中华普洱茶网,普洱茶新闻,普洱茶文化,普洱茶知识,茶叶网站,茶庄,茶文化,茶艺,普洱茶美容,普洱茶养生,普洱茶减肥,茶叶知识,茶叶行情,茶具茶几,茶农' |
meta_description | '中华普洱茶网,是国内专业的普洱茶资讯网站,主要提供普洱茶茶叶知识、茶叶行情及普洱茶文化,普洱茶知识,茶叶网站,茶庄,茶文化,茶艺,普洱茶美容,普洱茶养生,普洱茶减肥,茶叶知识,茶叶行情,茶具茶几,茶农等内容' |
id | 24 |
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ContentSecurityPolicy.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/ContentSecurityPolicy.php |
Controller.php | SYSTEMPATH/Controller.php |
Cookie.php | SYSTEMPATH/Cookie/Cookie.php |
CookieInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/Cookie/CookieInterface.php |
CookieStore.php | SYSTEMPATH/Cookie/CookieStore.php |
Database.php | SYSTEMPATH/Database/Database.php |
Database.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Database.php |
DebugToolbar.php | SYSTEMPATH/Filters/DebugToolbar.php |
DotEnv.php | SYSTEMPATH/Config/DotEnv.php |
Escaper.php | SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Escaper/Escaper.php |
Events.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Events.php |
Events.php | SYSTEMPATH/Events/Events.php |
Exceptions.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Exceptions.php |
Factories.php | SYSTEMPATH/Config/Factories.php |
Factory.php | SYSTEMPATH/Config/Factory.php |
FileLocator.php | SYSTEMPATH/Autoloader/FileLocator.php |
Files.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Files.php |
FilterInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/Filters/FilterInterface.php |
Filters.php | SYSTEMPATH/Filters/Filters.php |
Header.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/Header.php |
IncomingRequest.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/IncomingRequest.php |
Kint.php | SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Kint.php |
Logger.php | SYSTEMPATH/Log/Logger.php |
Logs.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Logs.php |
Message.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/Message.php |
MessageInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/MessageInterface.php |
MessageTrait.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/MessageTrait.php |
Modules.php | SYSTEMPATH/Modules/Modules.php |
Query.php | SYSTEMPATH/Database/Query.php |
QueryInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/Database/QueryInterface.php |
RedisHandler.php | SYSTEMPATH/Cache/Handlers/RedisHandler.php |
Renderer.php | SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Renderer/Renderer.php |
RendererInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/View/RendererInterface.php |
Request.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/Request.php |
RequestInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/RequestInterface.php |
RequestTrait.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/RequestTrait.php |
Response.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/Response.php |
ResponseInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/ResponseInterface.php |
ResponseTrait.php | SYSTEMPATH/API/ResponseTrait.php |
ResponseTrait.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/ResponseTrait.php |
Result.php | SYSTEMPATH/Database/MySQLi/Result.php |
ResultInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/Database/ResultInterface.php |
RichRenderer.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Kint/RichRenderer.php |
RichRenderer.php | SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Renderer/RichRenderer.php |
RouteCollection.php | SYSTEMPATH/Router/RouteCollection.php |
RouteCollectionInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/Router/RouteCollectionInterface.php |
Router.php | SYSTEMPATH/Router/Router.php |
RouterInterface.php | SYSTEMPATH/Router/RouterInterface.php |
Routes.php | SYSTEMPATH/Config/Routes.php |
Routes.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Routes.php |
Services.php | SYSTEMPATH/Config/Services.php |
TextRenderer.php | SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Renderer/TextRenderer.php |
Timer.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Timer.php |
Timers.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Timers.php |
Toolbar.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar.php |
UserAgent.php | SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/UserAgent.php |
Utils.php | SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Utils.php |
View.php | SYSTEMPATH/Config/View.php |
View.php | SYSTEMPATH/View/View.php |
Views.php | SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Views.php |
init.php | SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/init.php |
init_helpers.php | SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/init_helpers.php |
url_helper.php | SYSTEMPATH/Helpers/url_helper.php |
Directory: | |
Controller: | \Phpcmf\Controllers\Category |
Method: | index |
Params: | 0 / 0 |
Method | Route | Handler |
GET | / | \Phpcmf\Controllers\Category::index |
HEAD | / | \Phpcmf\Controllers\Category::index |
POST | / | \Phpcmf\Controllers\Category::index |
PUT | / | \Phpcmf\Controllers\Category::index |
DELETE | / | \Phpcmf\Controllers\Category::index |
OPTIONS | / | \Phpcmf\Controllers\Category::index |
TRACE | / | \Phpcmf\Controllers\Category::index |
CONNECT | / | \Phpcmf\Controllers\Category::index |
CLI | migrations/([^/]+)/([^/]+) | \CodeIgniter\Commands\MigrationsCommand::$1/$2 |
CLI | migrations/([^/]+) | \CodeIgniter\Commands\MigrationsCommand::$1 |
CLI | migrations | \CodeIgniter\Commands\MigrationsCommand::index |
CLI | ci(.*) | \CodeIgniter\CLI\CommandRunner::index/$1 |
CLI | / | \Phpcmf\Controllers\Category::index |
Time | Event Name | Times Called |
10.14 ms | pre_system | 1 |
0.38 ms | dbquery | 7 |
Action | Datetime | Status | Method | URL | Content-Type | Is AJAX? |
2025-02-14 04:00:50 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 04:00:25 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:59:50 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:59:02 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:58:51 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:58:46 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:58:09 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:57:59 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:56:33 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:56:08 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:55:51 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:55:30 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:54:18 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:53:59 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:53:46 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:52:45 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:52:35 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:51:06 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:51:00 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No | |
2025-02-14 03:50:19 | 200 | GET | https://www.puerwang.cn/index.php/ | text/html; charset=UTF-8 | No |
Session doesn't seem to be active.
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